Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bowling tournament

Last weekend I had a bowling tournament. It was the 4 steps to stardom singles city. The top 4 girls (and boys) from each bowling alley got to go to nortown lanes on Sunday. Only the top bowler in each age group and gender group moved on to provincials in Saskatoon in February. For the first game I bowled 221, and came in 1st place, second game i bowled 202 and came in 1st place, third game I bowled 145 and came in 2nd place, fourth game I bowled 145 and came in 5th place, fifth game I bowled 157 and came in 5th place. I finished in 5th place in the junior girls division. My average for the tournament was 175...I think. I was the best girl bowler from my bowling alley. I bolwed just as good as the senior girl that went to the tournemet. She didnt place either. I can't wait until 4 steps to stardom teams. Last year our team (Lexie, Julia, Lauren- my sister, and I) went to Saskatoon because we were the best in Regina. We came in 5th at the tournament but it was still fun. Plus it was the first year in over 20 years that the Golden Mile sent a girls team to procincial. This year we are sure to place! I really hope we do, and since we are all older and more expierienced now, we have a really god chance! Well, it's almost time for lunch now, I should probably go now. Bye for now! Talk to you later!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Racism video

Right now Morgan, Mirinda, and I are still working on our racism video. We had a few glitches but now we've got it figured out. I'm so tired, and am fighting off a cold. We have gym next, so hopefully that wakes me up. Tonight we have a band concert and it's my Grandma's birthday today. We have to post-pone her birthday supper. I feel really bad, but she says she doesnt mind. Well, I should probably get going...I don't know how much longer I will be aloud to stay inside. Did I mention it's recess right no? Well, bye for now.


P.S. I will put a link to our video in a few minutes! Hope you like it!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Right now, mirinda, morgan and I are working on a racism video. Reprot cards were handed out last week and parent teacher interviews were last week too. On my report card, I recieved all A+ and one A in Social. In my interview, Mrs. Werner and Ms. Hill, only had good things to say about me. I felt very good. Christmas is in only 1 month! I cant wait! I already made up my christmas list and gave it to everyone in my family! It's so exciting! Tomorrow I go to the dentist to get my bottom braces. Oh, ya. I got top braces a few months ago, and a bar on my top mouth (I get one of those on my bottom as well). Next weekend my auntie wants to take us shopping! I cant wait! Like everyother girl, I love shopping! This past weekend, we went to globe theater, to see the musical Honk. We cleaned the whole house and are getting ready to bring in the christmas tree. And like everyonther Canadian we watched the grey cup. Good try Riders! (They lost 18-21) Well I have to go now, talk to yo later!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Metal Mouth

The other dya I went to the dentinst because I had to have something put in my mouth. Can you guess what it was? Ya! You got it right! I got braces! And a metal wire put behind my upper teeth. They really hurt and it is so hard to chew! Everyone tells me they only hurt for the first wek and I hope its true! Tylenal really helps! Well bye for now!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grade 8!!!!!

This year I am in grade 8!!!! I am so excited! This will be my last year at Pilot Butte School and then I will be going to Greenal, the high school in Balgonie. For this school year I have a few goals in mind. These goals are as follows. I would like to get the ghighest marks I can get. I want to be a strait A-plus student. I am going to be joining as many groups as possible. I hope I will be able to get display for bear point awards, since I already got bronze, silver, and gold. This goal has nothing to do with school but it is still a gaol of mine. I would loike to fill all of my deer tags during hunting season this year. I would also like to fill my bear tag next spring, and win as many fishing and hunting awrds as I can. I hope that this school year will be a memorable one! Bye for now!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How I'm going to rule the school!

The year is almost done! Only a few more weeks and I have completed grade 7!!! Next year I will be in grade 8 and will be one of the oldest in the school. This means all of the little kids will be looking up to and following what I do. I will be as responsible as I can so the kids will have a positive influense/role model. To do this I will hand in all of my homework on time, be prepared for class, show positive peer pressure, be responsible, and act mature. I will be the best I can be and be organised. I will follow the rules and do what I am told. I will try my best and get good grades. Hopefully the kids will follow, and act mature as well. Since I know a lot of younger kids (from babysitting) I will make sure that they know how to be responsible and they know how to behave in different types of situations. I can't wait until next year and hope that everything goes well for my last year a Pilot Butte School. GRADE 8 BABY!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Interviews/Eater Break

My parent/teacher interview was on Wednesday march 30th. I did not attend mine, but my parents went and told me that my teacher, Mr. Wiebe, had nothing bad to say about me except for the fact that I really like to talk during class (sometimes when I'm not supposed to). Then it was time for Easter break! Eater Break was a blast! It started out with a sleepover with Charea on Wednesday night. I ended up going to get slurppies with Mackenzie first, while waiting for Charea to return from the city. Then when Charea got back we decided to drop by the school for a while to visit all of the teachers. Then we went back to my house and talked and played games. Then the day before Easter, it was a madhouse at my house. My mom and I were running around the house cleaning and baking. I made an Easter bread (at the bottom of this post is an link to a website with the recipe for making Easter bread), my mom made a cookie dough dessert, a watermelon fruit drink and a carrot cake. We were all set for Easter the next day at my grandparents house! We arove at their house at 2:00pm the next afternoon. For supper my grandma made a huge meal (like she always does) witch included ham, sausage, mashed potatoes, perogies, stuffing, my Easter bread, beets, a tossed salad, a coleslaw salad, and much much more. We got a few things from our grandparents and auntie, like, chocolate, socks, and a few more things (that i can't really remember). From our parents we got lulu lemon head bands, chocolate and other Easter candies that we found in our Easter egg hunt! (We usually receive more but this year we are going to Disney Land again and they are going to just give us some money)We stayed at our grandparents house until midnight. The next few days my sister, Lauren, and I helped my dad do things around the house. Like clean up the garage, clean out the vehicles, put away all of the ice fishing gear (boohoo!). On Tuesday we got to go shopping all day with my mom and dad at the Cornwall mall. When shopping we saw our auntie and cousins. I got to spend both of my giftcards and bought some new cloths for Disney Land.We went to a movie at the Golden Mile on Wednesday night. My parents went to The Blind Side, and my sister and I went to When In Rome. The movie was hilarious! Then on Friday my sister and I helped our mom move her furniture out of her sewing room because she was going to start painting it the next day. On Saturday we had to run in to town to grab some cleaning supplies and paint so my mom could wash down and paint her sewing room. That night my parents went to a party down the street at some friends house while i cleaned my room and and my sister and i then watched a TV show. On Sunday night we then had our bowling wind up and i got to see my friends for the last time until next bowling season. In the end i came home with 1 medal and 1 plaque. I also got a bowling towel, a low up squishy toy and a goodie bad. Supper was great and the night was supper fun! This week will be my only week actually going to school in April because next Monday my family will be leaving to go to Disney Land. Our flight leaves at 6:00 am and we have to be at the air port by 4:00 am. Wich means i have to get up at 3:00 am to get ready. But i don't really care because after a day of flying I will be sitting by a pool sipping a cold drink or shopping in a garden while everyone else is in school!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Jokes

What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?
Hot cross bunnies!

Ok, so easter sunday is this weekend and my family will be attending church in the morning them I will bring my freshly baked easter bread to my grandparents house for easter dinner! I can wait !

Her's a few more easter jokes:

Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?
It might crack up!

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
It’s been nice gnawing you!

and her's one last one:

Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t chicken!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

YAY! Term 2 has come to a finish and report cards come out on Friday! Last term I got strait A's and A+'s so I'm pretty sure I got good grades again. Term 2 was really fun and I can't wait to start term 3. In term 2 Math I'm pretty sure I got an A (since all of my weekly tests have been 99's and 100's(I even got a 110% on the last one!)) LA- A, Science- A+, Character Ed.- A+, PE- A, Guidance- A, Health- A, Computers- A, and in Social an A+. Last term I got a gold honor role so my fingers are crossed and hopefully I did well enough to get gold again. Ummm...what else can I say...I handed in only about 2 assignments in late so I think I'm good for that...Oh ya! I almost forgot! At the end of term 2 badminton sign up was starting so Morgan and I signed up for doubles. At the first practice we were practicing the proper footings for going from front to back and as I was going back I stepped the wrong way and my knee popped and hurt so badly! It feels a lot better now but still is sore the odd day or too. Morgan and I ended up going to a tournament at Balgonie elementary and got to the quarter finals! So anyways parent teacher interviews are coming up Wednesday night, Thursday all day and Friday all day, to be precis. And spring (Easter) break is starting next Thursday! I don't have any plans yet but I can guarantee you I will not be out shopping science I need to save my money for Disney Land! Witch my family will be going to, again! We will be leaving on April 19th and returning on April 30th (or 31st witch ever one is the last day of April). Science fair went pretty well...I got 3rd place for the grade 7 class...but only 1st and 2nd go on to regionals (witch was yesterday by the way). My birthday was last Tuesday and I turned 13! My hole family came over for supper and I got so many nice gifts! About 3 weeks ago my bowling team came in 1st at a regionals tournament, so that mean we got to go on to provincials! Sadly, I had to miss the Poe ski trip, because provincials was the same weekend, but my team was in second until the last game were we came in second last! It was a good try and I would like to say good job girls for trying our hardest!!! Well I guess that's pretty much all, so bye for now! I will try to post about our Disney Land trip later on as well as term 3!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How's The Term Going

How is this term going academically? - This term is going pretty good. Most of my marks are A's and I have handed in almost all of my assignments in on time.
Are you doing your job? - Yes I am doing my job because I am handing in my work on time, am being respectful of other peoples property, and being a good citizen.
Are you getting good marks? - Yes I am getting good marks because I am handing in assignements on time and am doing a good job on them.
What do you need to work on for the rest of the term?- For the rest of the term I think I need to work on ceeping my locker clean and doing a good job o science fair.