Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grade 8!!!!!

This year I am in grade 8!!!! I am so excited! This will be my last year at Pilot Butte School and then I will be going to Greenal, the high school in Balgonie. For this school year I have a few goals in mind. These goals are as follows. I would like to get the ghighest marks I can get. I want to be a strait A-plus student. I am going to be joining as many groups as possible. I hope I will be able to get display for bear point awards, since I already got bronze, silver, and gold. This goal has nothing to do with school but it is still a gaol of mine. I would loike to fill all of my deer tags during hunting season this year. I would also like to fill my bear tag next spring, and win as many fishing and hunting awrds as I can. I hope that this school year will be a memorable one! Bye for now!

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