Thursday, May 27, 2010

How I'm going to rule the school!

The year is almost done! Only a few more weeks and I have completed grade 7!!! Next year I will be in grade 8 and will be one of the oldest in the school. This means all of the little kids will be looking up to and following what I do. I will be as responsible as I can so the kids will have a positive influense/role model. To do this I will hand in all of my homework on time, be prepared for class, show positive peer pressure, be responsible, and act mature. I will be the best I can be and be organised. I will follow the rules and do what I am told. I will try my best and get good grades. Hopefully the kids will follow, and act mature as well. Since I know a lot of younger kids (from babysitting) I will make sure that they know how to be responsible and they know how to behave in different types of situations. I can't wait until next year and hope that everything goes well for my last year a Pilot Butte School. GRADE 8 BABY!!!

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