Friday, January 14, 2011


Today was our second class with our new computer teacher. We all finished our power points. I made mine on prezentit. It was very confusing at first, but I eventualy figured it our. I am so excited because today is friday and that means tomorrow is the weekend. This weekend we have to clean the house because on Saturday my sister and I are babysitting for my moms friend when they go out for supper. It's going to be fune. Then, ther other day my mom picked up this really cute top that matches my new skirt that I got from American Eagle. It looks so cute together. I cant wait to wear it to my mom's friend's wedding in April! Well, it's almost luch so I should probably log off now. Talk to you later!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bowling tournament

Last weekend I had a bowling tournament. It was the 4 steps to stardom singles city. The top 4 girls (and boys) from each bowling alley got to go to nortown lanes on Sunday. Only the top bowler in each age group and gender group moved on to provincials in Saskatoon in February. For the first game I bowled 221, and came in 1st place, second game i bowled 202 and came in 1st place, third game I bowled 145 and came in 2nd place, fourth game I bowled 145 and came in 5th place, fifth game I bowled 157 and came in 5th place. I finished in 5th place in the junior girls division. My average for the tournament was 175...I think. I was the best girl bowler from my bowling alley. I bolwed just as good as the senior girl that went to the tournemet. She didnt place either. I can't wait until 4 steps to stardom teams. Last year our team (Lexie, Julia, Lauren- my sister, and I) went to Saskatoon because we were the best in Regina. We came in 5th at the tournament but it was still fun. Plus it was the first year in over 20 years that the Golden Mile sent a girls team to procincial. This year we are sure to place! I really hope we do, and since we are all older and more expierienced now, we have a really god chance! Well, it's almost time for lunch now, I should probably go now. Bye for now! Talk to you later!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Racism video

Right now Morgan, Mirinda, and I are still working on our racism video. We had a few glitches but now we've got it figured out. I'm so tired, and am fighting off a cold. We have gym next, so hopefully that wakes me up. Tonight we have a band concert and it's my Grandma's birthday today. We have to post-pone her birthday supper. I feel really bad, but she says she doesnt mind. Well, I should probably get going...I don't know how much longer I will be aloud to stay inside. Did I mention it's recess right no? Well, bye for now.


P.S. I will put a link to our video in a few minutes! Hope you like it!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Right now, mirinda, morgan and I are working on a racism video. Reprot cards were handed out last week and parent teacher interviews were last week too. On my report card, I recieved all A+ and one A in Social. In my interview, Mrs. Werner and Ms. Hill, only had good things to say about me. I felt very good. Christmas is in only 1 month! I cant wait! I already made up my christmas list and gave it to everyone in my family! It's so exciting! Tomorrow I go to the dentist to get my bottom braces. Oh, ya. I got top braces a few months ago, and a bar on my top mouth (I get one of those on my bottom as well). Next weekend my auntie wants to take us shopping! I cant wait! Like everyother girl, I love shopping! This past weekend, we went to globe theater, to see the musical Honk. We cleaned the whole house and are getting ready to bring in the christmas tree. And like everyonther Canadian we watched the grey cup. Good try Riders! (They lost 18-21) Well I have to go now, talk to yo later!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Metal Mouth

The other dya I went to the dentinst because I had to have something put in my mouth. Can you guess what it was? Ya! You got it right! I got braces! And a metal wire put behind my upper teeth. They really hurt and it is so hard to chew! Everyone tells me they only hurt for the first wek and I hope its true! Tylenal really helps! Well bye for now!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grade 8!!!!!

This year I am in grade 8!!!! I am so excited! This will be my last year at Pilot Butte School and then I will be going to Greenal, the high school in Balgonie. For this school year I have a few goals in mind. These goals are as follows. I would like to get the ghighest marks I can get. I want to be a strait A-plus student. I am going to be joining as many groups as possible. I hope I will be able to get display for bear point awards, since I already got bronze, silver, and gold. This goal has nothing to do with school but it is still a gaol of mine. I would loike to fill all of my deer tags during hunting season this year. I would also like to fill my bear tag next spring, and win as many fishing and hunting awrds as I can. I hope that this school year will be a memorable one! Bye for now!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How I'm going to rule the school!

The year is almost done! Only a few more weeks and I have completed grade 7!!! Next year I will be in grade 8 and will be one of the oldest in the school. This means all of the little kids will be looking up to and following what I do. I will be as responsible as I can so the kids will have a positive influense/role model. To do this I will hand in all of my homework on time, be prepared for class, show positive peer pressure, be responsible, and act mature. I will be the best I can be and be organised. I will follow the rules and do what I am told. I will try my best and get good grades. Hopefully the kids will follow, and act mature as well. Since I know a lot of younger kids (from babysitting) I will make sure that they know how to be responsible and they know how to behave in different types of situations. I can't wait until next year and hope that everything goes well for my last year a Pilot Butte School. GRADE 8 BABY!!!