Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My First Month of School

My first month of school was amazing! I love being in grade seven! So far my teachers are great! We have received a few new rules and regulations and had our honor roll assembly. I knew I was getting gold honor roll, but I was still excited! This year I hope to get gold again as well as top bear. I have been great on being able to complete my homework and would like to keep it that way. I've had homework almost every night! Grade seven is a lot harder than grade six. Social has been pretty easy so far. We've had three Major map assignments, but all we have had to do is colour maps and answer a few questions on major land forms. In health Mr. Spicers friend, Paul (he's and RN), came out to talk to us about decision making. We also did a few K-W charts. In L.A. we finished reading Mr. Wiebes favourite book and another small story. So much more has happened but I have to go. School is amazing so far and I hope it continues to stay the same!

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