Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Joke of the Day

What is a Vampires favourite holiday?

Fangs- Giving!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My dog

My dog, Mocha, was out bird hunting with my dad. He was in the back of the truck and was jumping out but when he hit the ground his leg gave out! So we phoned a vet and the vet said that it will heal on it's own but it will take a few months! I feel so bad for him! Hope you feel beter soon Mocha! Lots of LOVE from Victoria, Lauren, Mom, and Dad!


Yesterday was my dad's birthday! I was so excited but the day before his birthday he got sick! I hope you feel beter dad! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Halloween jokes

Why do witches fly on brooms?
vacum cleaner cords arn't long enough!

When is it bad luck to meet a black cat?
when your a mouse!

What is witchs favourite subject in school?

Hope you liked these jokes more halloween jokes are coming soon!


Here is an amazing poem that I once heard:

I give you all good wishes,because you are so dear
And pray they will come true,
with happiness so near.

Like a special angel,
you do such caring things,
That you deserve your own
pair of angel wings!

I hope this poem inspires you like it did me!

Thanksgiving Joke

There was a man that stole a turkey. The man went to a priest and said "Oh priest, please help me!" the priest replied "Well what can I do to help?" the man then said "Take this turkey that I stole and it will take my sin away." the priest then said "I can not take the turkey the only way to take your sin away is to return the turkey to the person you stole it from." the man replied "Well I tried to but he wouldnt take it back." the priest said "Well if they wouldn't take it back then I guess you are free to keep it and your sin is gone ." So the man went home with the turkey. When the priest got home he discovered that his turkey had been stolen.

My First Month of School

My first month of school was amazing! I love being in grade seven! So far my teachers are great! We have received a few new rules and regulations and had our honor roll assembly. I knew I was getting gold honor roll, but I was still excited! This year I hope to get gold again as well as top bear. I have been great on being able to complete my homework and would like to keep it that way. I've had homework almost every night! Grade seven is a lot harder than grade six. Social has been pretty easy so far. We've had three Major map assignments, but all we have had to do is colour maps and answer a few questions on major land forms. In health Mr. Spicers friend, Paul (he's and RN), came out to talk to us about decision making. We also did a few K-W charts. In L.A. we finished reading Mr. Wiebes favourite book and another small story. So much more has happened but I have to go. School is amazing so far and I hope it continues to stay the same!

Term 1 goals and Aspirations

Academic goals:
1. I want to get Gold honor role
2. I want to keep an average of 90%
3. I want to be a straight A student
4. I want to do an amazing science fair project this year

Extra Curricular goals:
1. I want to make the Jr. Basketball team
2. I want to make the yearbook the best it has ever been
3. I want to make the badminton team
4. I want to go to go to reginals for bowling

Social goals:
1.I want to keep all my friends
2. I want to make my friends feel safe around me
3.I want to make some new friends