Monday, November 29, 2010


Right now, mirinda, morgan and I are working on a racism video. Reprot cards were handed out last week and parent teacher interviews were last week too. On my report card, I recieved all A+ and one A in Social. In my interview, Mrs. Werner and Ms. Hill, only had good things to say about me. I felt very good. Christmas is in only 1 month! I cant wait! I already made up my christmas list and gave it to everyone in my family! It's so exciting! Tomorrow I go to the dentist to get my bottom braces. Oh, ya. I got top braces a few months ago, and a bar on my top mouth (I get one of those on my bottom as well). Next weekend my auntie wants to take us shopping! I cant wait! Like everyother girl, I love shopping! This past weekend, we went to globe theater, to see the musical Honk. We cleaned the whole house and are getting ready to bring in the christmas tree. And like everyonther Canadian we watched the grey cup. Good try Riders! (They lost 18-21) Well I have to go now, talk to yo later!