Monday, April 12, 2010

Interviews/Eater Break

My parent/teacher interview was on Wednesday march 30th. I did not attend mine, but my parents went and told me that my teacher, Mr. Wiebe, had nothing bad to say about me except for the fact that I really like to talk during class (sometimes when I'm not supposed to). Then it was time for Easter break! Eater Break was a blast! It started out with a sleepover with Charea on Wednesday night. I ended up going to get slurppies with Mackenzie first, while waiting for Charea to return from the city. Then when Charea got back we decided to drop by the school for a while to visit all of the teachers. Then we went back to my house and talked and played games. Then the day before Easter, it was a madhouse at my house. My mom and I were running around the house cleaning and baking. I made an Easter bread (at the bottom of this post is an link to a website with the recipe for making Easter bread), my mom made a cookie dough dessert, a watermelon fruit drink and a carrot cake. We were all set for Easter the next day at my grandparents house! We arove at their house at 2:00pm the next afternoon. For supper my grandma made a huge meal (like she always does) witch included ham, sausage, mashed potatoes, perogies, stuffing, my Easter bread, beets, a tossed salad, a coleslaw salad, and much much more. We got a few things from our grandparents and auntie, like, chocolate, socks, and a few more things (that i can't really remember). From our parents we got lulu lemon head bands, chocolate and other Easter candies that we found in our Easter egg hunt! (We usually receive more but this year we are going to Disney Land again and they are going to just give us some money)We stayed at our grandparents house until midnight. The next few days my sister, Lauren, and I helped my dad do things around the house. Like clean up the garage, clean out the vehicles, put away all of the ice fishing gear (boohoo!). On Tuesday we got to go shopping all day with my mom and dad at the Cornwall mall. When shopping we saw our auntie and cousins. I got to spend both of my giftcards and bought some new cloths for Disney Land.We went to a movie at the Golden Mile on Wednesday night. My parents went to The Blind Side, and my sister and I went to When In Rome. The movie was hilarious! Then on Friday my sister and I helped our mom move her furniture out of her sewing room because she was going to start painting it the next day. On Saturday we had to run in to town to grab some cleaning supplies and paint so my mom could wash down and paint her sewing room. That night my parents went to a party down the street at some friends house while i cleaned my room and and my sister and i then watched a TV show. On Sunday night we then had our bowling wind up and i got to see my friends for the last time until next bowling season. In the end i came home with 1 medal and 1 plaque. I also got a bowling towel, a low up squishy toy and a goodie bad. Supper was great and the night was supper fun! This week will be my only week actually going to school in April because next Monday my family will be leaving to go to Disney Land. Our flight leaves at 6:00 am and we have to be at the air port by 4:00 am. Wich means i have to get up at 3:00 am to get ready. But i don't really care because after a day of flying I will be sitting by a pool sipping a cold drink or shopping in a garden while everyone else is in school!