Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Jokes

What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?
Hot cross bunnies!

Ok, so easter sunday is this weekend and my family will be attending church in the morning them I will bring my freshly baked easter bread to my grandparents house for easter dinner! I can wait !

Her's a few more easter jokes:

Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?
It might crack up!

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
It’s been nice gnawing you!

and her's one last one:

Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t chicken!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

YAY! Term 2 has come to a finish and report cards come out on Friday! Last term I got strait A's and A+'s so I'm pretty sure I got good grades again. Term 2 was really fun and I can't wait to start term 3. In term 2 Math I'm pretty sure I got an A (since all of my weekly tests have been 99's and 100's(I even got a 110% on the last one!)) LA- A, Science- A+, Character Ed.- A+, PE- A, Guidance- A, Health- A, Computers- A, and in Social an A+. Last term I got a gold honor role so my fingers are crossed and hopefully I did well enough to get gold again. Ummm...what else can I say...I handed in only about 2 assignments in late so I think I'm good for that...Oh ya! I almost forgot! At the end of term 2 badminton sign up was starting so Morgan and I signed up for doubles. At the first practice we were practicing the proper footings for going from front to back and as I was going back I stepped the wrong way and my knee popped and hurt so badly! It feels a lot better now but still is sore the odd day or too. Morgan and I ended up going to a tournament at Balgonie elementary and got to the quarter finals! So anyways parent teacher interviews are coming up soon...next Wednesday night, Thursday all day and Friday all day, to be precis. And spring (Easter) break is starting next Thursday! I don't have any plans yet but I can guarantee you I will not be out shopping science I need to save my money for Disney Land! Witch my family will be going to, again! We will be leaving on April 19th and returning on April 30th (or 31st witch ever one is the last day of April). Science fair went pretty well...I got 3rd place for the grade 7 class...but only 1st and 2nd go on to regionals (witch was yesterday by the way). My birthday was last Tuesday and I turned 13! My hole family came over for supper and I got so many nice gifts! About 3 weeks ago my bowling team came in 1st at a regionals tournament, so that mean we got to go on to provincials! Sadly, I had to miss the Poe ski trip, because provincials was the same weekend, but my team was in second until the last game were we came in second last! It was a good try and I would like to say good job girls for trying our hardest!!! Well I guess that's pretty much all, so bye for now! I will try to post about our Disney Land trip later on as well as term 3!